Our organization and the development of our profession is only able to continue through the hard work of professionals and dedicated and engaged members. We would like to recognize those who have bettered themselves, their agencies, the profession in Missouri, this Chapter and the Association as a whole through their hard work and selfless dedication. Thank you!
Registered Public-Safety Leader (RPL)
APCO’s Registered Public-Safety Leaders (RPL) program is a year-long commitment designed for those who want to develop and further their leadership, management and supervisory skills. Upon successful completion of the year-long program, graduates receive the honorific RPL and have their name added to the national registry of Registered Public-Safety Leaders.
We’d like to congratulate and honor our members who have dedicated their time and effort and have achieved and maintained their RPL designation!
Andy Bailey, RPL
Christina Bailey, RPL
Marie Beauchamp, RPL
Crissie Cook, RPL
Zachary Dykes, RPL
Chelsea Finn, RPL
Ron Ginn, RPL
Cheryl Konarski, RPL
Saralyn Hayes, RPL
Udell Mentola, RPL
Shelly Raymond, RPL
Carrie Stephens, RPL
Robin Tieman, RPL
Certified Public-Safety Executive
APCO’s Certified Public-Safety Executive (CPE) program is high-intensity 12-week online program concluded by a 10-day capstone course at APCO International Headquarters in Daytona Beach, FL. Graduates of this program learn leadership concepts and models as well as how to provide vision, manage change and ensure accountability. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive the honorific CPE and have their name added to the national registry of Certified Public-Safety Executives.
We’d like to congratulate and honor our members who have dedicated their time and effort and have achieved and maintained their CPE designation!
Missouri CPE Graduates
Brian Battles, CPE
Paul Jokerst, CPE
Cheryl Konarski, CPE
Robin Tieman, CPE
Chapter Life Members
Missouri APCO’s Chapter Life Member Distinction is a designation for a handful of members who have met the following criteria:
- Has been a member of APCO for at least fifteen years.
- Has been a member of the Missouri Chapter for at least five years.
- Has made three (3) of the following significant contributions towards meeting the needs of APCO or MOAPCO:
- Served a full term as Chapter President.
- Served on the Board of Officers for at least four years.
- Served as Local Area Frequency Advisory for at least four years.
- Served as a Regional or APCO Annual Conference Chair.
- Served as a MOAPCO or MPSCC Conference Chair.
- Served as a MOAPCO or MPSCC Conference Committee Chair.
- Served as an APCO Standing Committee Chair.
- Served as a MOAPCO or MPSCC Standing Committee Chair.
- Made a major contribution to the art of communications.
Upon approval, the Missouri Chapter assumes the Chapter Life Member’s annual dues to APCO at their current membership tier.
We’d like to congratulate and honor our members who have been designated as Chapter Life Members and thank them for their service and dedication to the chapter and to the profession!
Barbara Gulick
Danny Rowden
Stephen Hoskins
Saralyn Hayes, RPL
Angela Stiefermann
Roger Martin
APCO Senior Members
Senior Members have been APCO members for 10 or more years, made four significant contributions to APCO, including one at the Association level, and are members in good standing at the time of the award. The Executive Committee approves Senior Membership following a nomination and recommendation process.
Stephen Devine
Cheryl Konarski, RPL, CPE
Roger Martin
Richard L. Miller
Danny Rowden
Robin Tieman, RPL, CPE
APCO Life Members
Life Membership is APCO’s highest membership honor. The following APCO Members have made a significant contribution APCO’s objectives at the national level. These Life Members have either served a full term as President of APCO International or have maintained membership for 15 or more years and contributed at least five major accomplishments to the betterment of the association.
Stephen Devine
Roger Martin
Robin Tieman, RPL, CPE