Inaugural Newsletter Released

Innagural release of the Missouri APCO Newsletter!

We’re excited to release our inaugural issue of the Missouri APCO Newsletter! 

As an association, we continue to work for the betterment of our members. That is why our chapter has decided to begin this newsletter. I won’t lie to you, at the beginning of the project, we were concerned that we may not have enough material to issue a quarterly newsletter. As time went on and more brainstorming occurred, we realized we actually had to make cuts for this edition or we’d never even release the first issue! 

This issue would not have been possible without the hard work of the members of our ProCHRT committee, especially the Chair, Roger Martin and the Newsletter Editor, Angie Rodgers. Thank you for all the hard work that you put into this document! 

If you’d like to contribute something to future issues, please contact your Regional Ambassador or Angie Rodgers! 
