Matthew Knight Memorial Scholarship Awarded

While the Missouri Chapter of APCO has been issuing scholarships to attend the Missouri Public Safety Communications Conference (MPSCC) for several years, the Board voted to name the scholarship in honor of Matthew Knight following his unexpected death last fall. 

Matt was a true partner to the 9-1-1 profession in Missouri. Through his dedication and efforts, he ensured that the exhibit hall at the conference was filled with companies and technologies vital to assisting emergency communicators accomplish their missions. 

The Matthew Knight Memorial Scholarship, issued each spring and fall, enables a deserving recipient the ability to attend the MPSCC free of cost. This ensures that the recipient is able to attend cutting edge continuing education sessions, network with peers across the state and interact with industry leaders in mission critical technology! 

Congratulations to Jonathan Sunderland of Crawford County 9-1-1! This will be Jonathan’s first time attending the MPSCC.  He plans to bring what he learns at the conference back to his Center, passing along the information to his co-workers.