Missouri APCO Recognizes Communicators from Jasper County Emergency Services as Missouri Teammates in Action!

The Missouri Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (MOAPCO) is pleased to recognize Team Leader Josh Pruitt, TCO II Jeff Boyer, TCO Emily Blanchard, TCO Angela Russell, and TCO Kayla Littrell of the Jasper County Emergency Services (JASCO) as Missouri Teammates in Action!

At morning shift change JASCO communications Team Leader Pruitt took calls on a structure fire and propane tank explosion. Two victims were flown to a hospital in Springfield. During the fire call, TCOII Blanchard and other members of the team began to receive 9-1-1 text messages from a suicidal person, who texted 9-1-1 multiple times telling his story. The communications team worked diligently to find the texter’s location. Deputies were looking for the suicidal person when the JASCO Sheriff’s Chief Deputy reported he was out with a man who ran from a house into the woods. A second deputy arrived to assist, but he became dizzy and collapsed. The Chief Deputy found he was not breathing and began CPR. He used the deputy’s radio to report an officer down to TCOII Boyer while continuing chest compressions. TCO’s Littrell and Russell immediately dispatched Fire/Rescue and EMS to the scene.

The team continued to respond with compassion and concern to text messages from the suicidal person; they kept everyone up to date on the officer down situation; and they continued to process incoming calls and field-initiated traffic throughout this event. Several other agencies assisted in looking for the suicidal person who was eventually taken into custody for treatment. The team finally heard the news that their Deputy was conscious, breathing, and talking. After being released from recovery, he called his teammates who had helped to save his life. The JASCO communications team handled their profession with grace and diligence. Missouri APCO would like to express our appreciation to these communication lifesavers, and we are proud to recognize them as Missouri Teammates in Action!

You can learn more about our Teammates in Action program, read the stories of past recipients and nominate a deserving team by visiting our Teammates in Action page!