Chelsea Finn (JASCO) Earns RPL Designation

This Missouri Chapter of APCO is pleased to congratulate Chelsea Finn of JASCO on her successful completion of APCO’s Registered Public-Safety Leader (RPL) program! 

The RPL program requires a year long dedication to the course work and to a service project. Chelsea began her journey in 2022 and went through six modules of study that covered a variety of leadership topics as well as the history of the Association. 

Chelsea agreed to use her service project to preserve our Chapter’s history. Throughout her year, she rummaged through various boxes of documents and scanned them into a digital format for more organization. She was also tasked with creating a list of past officers so that we could preserve their dedication to the profession in Missouri. 

Chelsea applied and was selected as the first recipient of the MOLeaders Scholarship. Offered through the Missouri Chapter, this scholarship was introduced in 2022 and allowed Chelsea to obtain RPL at no cost to herself. The purpose of the scholarship is to promote professional development and encourage future leaders of Missouri. The MO Leaders scholarship will be offered again in 2024.

“I learned so much about APCO, MOAPCO, management and leadership.” Said Chelsea. “I had amazing instructors and classmates who helped inspire me to change my career path to help first responders… I encourage everyone who has the opportunity to complete RPL to go for it”

Congratulations Chelsea! The Chapter is very proud of you!